Course Details

Mobile App Development with Flutter (Basic to Advanced)


Aiub Ali

0 enrolled

What Will You Learn?

Basic to Advanced
Total Class : 25
Per Class : 2.00 Hours

This course covers a comprehensive range of topics, starting from Dart programming fundamentals to advanced Flutter development, state management, database integration, API usage, and practical project building. It also provides insights into earning opportunities in the software development field.

1. Dart Programming:

  • Basics of Dart programming language, including variables, data types, constants (const and final), and conditional statements (if-else and switch-case).
  • Introduction to Dart Lists for working with collections of data.

2. Dart Programming (continued):

  • Iterative constructs such as for loops, for-in loops, and while loops.
  • Functions in Dart, including different types of functions.
  • Working with Dart maps (key-value pairs).
  • Concepts like method overriding, constructors, getters, setters, and optional function parameters.

3. Dart Programming (continued):

  • Understanding classes, objects, and instances.
  • Inheritance and its various types (single, multilevel, multiple, hybrid).

4. Dart OOPs:

  • Abstraction and interfaces in object-oriented programming.
  • Exception handling in Dart.

5. Flutter Setup:

  • Introduction to Flutter, downloading Flutter SDK, and setting up the development environment.

6. Project Create and Project Structure:

  • Creating Flutter projects, understanding the project structure, and configuration.

7. Flutter Basic Widget and Widget Tree:

  • Basic Flutter widgets such as Scaffold, Material App, App Bar, and the difference between stateful and stateless widgets.

8. Flutter Widgets:

  • Various Flutter widgets like ListView, Container, Card, SizedBox, InkWell, GestureDetector, and more.
  • Styling widgets and understanding their advantages.

9. Flutter Navigation and Sliver Widget:

  • Navigation in Flutter, including bottom navigation and custom bottom navigation.
  • Course Content

    About This Course

    This comprehensive course covers every facet of Dart and Flutter development, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and those seeking to expand their expertise in mobile app development. The course begins with a solid foundation in Dart programming, covering variables, data types, constants (const and final), conditional statements, and working with lists. It then progresses into more advanced Dart topics, including loops, functions, maps, method overriding, constructors, and getter/setter methods.

    Moving into Flutter, you'll learn how to set up your development environment, create projects, and navigate project structures. The course provides extensive coverage of Flutter's vast array of widgets, such as ListView, Container, and Card, and teaches how to build responsive user interfaces and handle user interactions.

    As you advance further, you'll explore more complex Flutter concepts, including navigation, custom widgets, fonts, animations, and state management. You'll also delve into data handling with ListViews, GridViews, and database integration, both with MySQL and Hive. Firebase is introduced for cloud-based storage and Firestore for real-time database capabilities.

    The course emphasizes practical application through hands-on projects like building E-Commerce and News Paper apps, preparing you for real-world development challenges. In addition, you'll gain valuable insights into monetizing your skills, finding freelance work, starting your own business, and deploying your apps to the Play Store.

    By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required to develop mobile applications efficiently using Dart and Flutter, manage databases, integrate APIs, and even explore various avenues to generate income within the mobile app development industry.



    Aiub Ali

    • 2 Courses
    • 0 Students
    • 0 Reviews



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This course includes:
  • 0.8 hours on-demand video
  • 23 Lectures
  • Full lifetime access
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